Friday, March 6, 2020

Learning Arabic whilst Traveling through the Arab World

Learning Arabic whilst Traveling through the Arab World Discover Arabic Speaking Countries All Over the World ChaptersWhy Learn Arabic?Which Arabic Language Should You Learn?What Region Should You Learn Arabic In?The Arabic language is spoken by nearly 300 million people around the world.It is an official language in 26 countries, and also one of the six official languages used in the United Nations.The Arabic language  is used in trade, culture, science and international trade.Learning Arabic has become indispensable in order to understand the world today, as well as enriching your knowledge, developing your business abroad, or opening yourself to new cultures. HalimaArabic Teacher £13/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KotaibaArabic Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SoledadArabic Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NancyArabic Teacher 5.00 (1) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TaouesArabic Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DinaArabic Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AbrarArabic Teac her £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UsamaArabic Teacher 5.00 (1) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Learn Arabic?In all respects, learning Arabic and the Arabic culture comes with many benefits, and as you will see when choosing a country in which to learn it, this could allow you to learn its inner workings.We are not just talking about how a map of the Arab world can help you learn Arabic. We mean have you ever thought about taking an academic year off to go and learn Arabic abroad?What country is best to learn Arabic?Opening up to a culture we know nothing about is a fantastic experience.From a Teaching StandpointAs is the case with English, French, Spanish and German, Arabic is now one of the languages officially taught in education systems across the world.Whatever your level, whether you are in primary school or high school, there are programs available to you in order to learn Arabic.Different exams and diplomas are available for you to partake in Arabic language learning.Hit the school bench again and learn some Arabic!The same applies if you'd like to attend the world's best universities, as the vast majority of them now offer courses in the Arabic language.From a Cultural StandpointThe Arabic language is still considered one of the best means of transmitting literary, philosophical and scientific knowledge: the legacy of the great civilizations during the Middle Ages as well as Greco-Latin thought have all been a part of Arab  history.Arabic offers an opening onto the Eastern world both geographically and historically (the birth of Islam, its empires, etc.)For Arabic-speaking families, learning Arabic is always culturally relevant. It's also an educational asset and increasing proficiency will mean you can talk to your Arabic-speaking family.From an Economic StandpointThe Arab world benefits from a strategic geographical location in the world, at the meeting point between the 3 continents of Europe, Asia and Africa.Many A rab countries have a strong economic position, especially with their oil and gas assets. They are often the first producers and exporters of these raw materials.Which Arabic Language Should You Learn?Before choosing the country in which to learn Arabic, you should know that there are 2 types of Arabic: classical or literary Arabic and dialectal Arabic.Classical Arabic is common to all Arab countries, be it Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, or Tunisia, etc.It is the main language for writing, the one found in media and speeches.Dialectal Arabic is used orally: each dialect corresponds to a different country, and is widely used for non-formal exchanges and in everyday life.What's more, the Arabic alphabet is completely different to the Latin one so you will need to get your head around this firstTake your time in doing this as this will be the foundation for everything you study later in Arabic. There are plenty of of apps to help you, or you could familiarize yourself by d ownloading an Arabic keyboard to write in Arabic.So, Which Arabic Should You Learn?If your interest lies in learning the dialect of a particular country, the safest option is modern standard Arabic, a classic version of the language. It is used in most of the Middle East.Its major use is for public communication and literature, press, and media.If Quran Arabic interests you more, then literary Arabic is for you.This Arabic can help you understand Islam.It is said that it is the Arabic of the Holy Qur'an, the language found in all religious Arabic books.Finally, if you plan to live in an Arab country or work in the Arab world, dialectical Arabic is the solution.It should be noted that there are 5 families of Arabic dialects which are divided according to countries, regions, cities and sometimes religions: Gulf Arabic, Levant Arabic, Mesopotamian Arabic, North-African Arabic and Egyptian Arabic.What Region Should You Learn Arabic In?Do you really have to go abroad in order to learn Ar abic? What countries are the most effective in learning the language?U.S.AIf you are seeking to learn a foreign language, the United States of America has no shortage of great colleges or universities offering very interesting programs that include the Arabic language. Additionally, you could start early with an Arabic language class in middle school or high school, or take tutoring lessons after school if your school does not offer the language. It's up to you, but there are an array of choices!In the UK, you could take Arabic lessons London or other big cities!You could learn Arabic in San Francisco for example!Numerous associations--whether they be public or institutional--offer classes in Arabic all over the USA, including one-on-one tutoring, which is very effective in order to learn Arabic.For example, here you will find the best places to learn Arabic at the college level.For those of you in New York City, you could take an Arabic class at the high school level in the United Nations International School or at the Friends Seminary.For those of you in Boston, why not try the Boston Language Institute or the Islamic Civilizations degree at Boston University for some quality teaching.Don't hesitate to contact the various academies for more information.You can also learn Arabic online! As well as lessons and resources, you will find lots of tips for learning Arabic on the internet too.For those who want to travel, to discover a new country and immerse themselves in the culture and daily life of a particular population, many countries offer Arabic language teaching.Here is Superprof's selection.TunisiaThe 3 Cs Training Center is a mango school located in Sfax where the  Arabic language is taught in combination with Tunisian culture.The school offers Arabic classes for adults as well as intensive personalized training for professional purposes.Each course is broken into small groups or individual classes to facilitate the progress of each learner.United Arab E miratesIqraa Language Center: located in the heart of Dubai, this is surely one of the most popular language schools in the country.The school specializes in teaching Arabic to foreign students.Each class has a maximum of 14 students and all teachers have Arabic as their mother tongue.Arabic Language Center (ALC for short) has been teaching Arabic for 33 years.The teaching method is simple and logical in order to make the experience interesting, effective, and playful.Each class contains a maximum of 12 students to optimize teaching and to ensure interaction between the students and teacher.JordanLocated in Amman, this school is extremely popular in Jordan and is renowned for the quality of its Arabic courses.It specializes in teaching foreign students.Ali Baba International Center is also located in the heart of Amman. This international center wants to promote Arabic as the first foreign language offered to students from all over the world.The Center is accredited by the Jordanian Ministry of Education as well as by Brookhaven College in the US.EgyptArabeya Arabic Language Institute: This center was created in 2003 and aims to offer intensive Arabic courses for all levels, whether for modern Arabic or modern Egyptian Arabic.The classes are formed of small groups so that each student receives the maximum  attention possible in order to progress.In these optimal conditions, students participate in the reading, writing, and learning of the Arabic language and the Arab culture.Ahlan Arabic Center is an institute offering many activities in order to practice everyday Arabic.Would you like to learn Arabic amidst an Arabic community? Don't wait any longer!There are 3 centers of this type in Egypt, namely in Alexandria's historic center, as well as in Cairo's Old Islamic town and in Luxor's city center near the souk.With trips outside the city, frequent visits to historical sites and markets (souks), the student will quickly progress in his oral practice of Arabic. The faculty is made up of professionals with a lot of experience in teaching Arabic to foreigners.Each course lasts between 2 and 3 hours, so you will be able to advance quickly towards Arabic fluency!MoroccoThe Cultural Center for Languages and Training (CCLT) is located in the heart of Rabat and is a very popular language school specializing in teaching Arabic to foreigners.Moroccan Center for Arabic Studies (MCAS) is also located in Rabat. This center offers courses for all foreign students. The groups separate into small classes (maximum 8 students per session).All teachers have Arabic as their first language and will be ready to help with any vocabulary, culture, or grammatical questions!TurkeyIstanbul Business Center (IBC) is known for the quality of its teaching and friendly atmosphere. IBC offers Arabic courses to students who are taking the language as part of their studies and would like to do an exchange program in Turkey. You will have no problem learning new Arabic word s and doing some reading and writing here!Meet other students who are abroad to learn Arabic like you!Their professional teachers are highly qualified and experienced, and are particularly attentive to the progress of each foreign language student.There is a wide variety of language courses, between the 25-hour a week intensive courses and Arabic courses in 6 different levels. They also offer one-on-one private tutoring.IsraelThe Lirom Israel Language Center in Tel Aviv offers a language immersion program with very high quality Arabic courses.

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